Average recorded number of employees in actual persons

(in 1000s)

  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Czech Republic: Total* 3 123,1  3 029,8  3 462,9  3 352,8  3 203,4  3 117,4 
  Business sphere 2 311,2  2 223,6  2 681,7  2 580,8  2 448,3  2 362,8 
  Budgetary sphere 811,9  806,2  781,2  772,0  755,1  754,6 

Category and NACE selected divisions      

A+B Agriculture, forestry and fishing 210,4  182,9  215,5  196,5  180,1  162,0 
C+D+E Industry total 1 205,9  1 147,1  1 323,3  1 295,1  1 228,5  1 183,8 
F Construction 236,4  226,7  263,9  234,9  201,6  185,2 
G Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and personal and household goods 134,7  131,6  261,6  253,5  239,8  243,7 
H Hotels and restaurants 27,1  27,2  51,8  47,4  42,7  43,6 
I Transport, storage and telecommunications 288,2  287,8  290,9  279,6  274,9  266,6 
of which:      
60 Land transport, transport via pipelines 181,3  180,0  179,3  172,6  170,4  163,3 
64 Post and telecommunications 79,5  80,1  79,2  74,4  71,7  69,6 
J Financial intermediation 80,3  83,8  82,0  79,5  75,9  72,8 
K Real estate, renting and business activities 143,5  143,2  184,2  183,5  185,4  183,6 
L Public administration, defense, social security 160,8  167,0  172,1  174,4  175,1  179,7 
M Education 308,9  308,4  298,3  292,9  287,0  282,8 
N Health and social work 220,3  218,5  215,0  210,7  212,7  213,0 
O Other community, soc. and pers. service act. 106,6  105,6  104,3  104,8  99,7  100,6 

Source: CSU

* data include the business subjects with 20 employees and more (in banking and insurance industry without respect to the number of employees) and  all non-business organizations excluding armed formations

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