Transport of the combined transport units by rail

  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Road freight vehicles transported by rail      
total (number) 85 228  94 813  89 115  99 406  96 342  103 430 
goods transported by road vehicles (1000s tonnes)* 2 557  2 686  2 575  2 774  2 749  3 122 
* incl.weight of transported vehicles       

Number of transported swap bodies       

total (number) * 663  9 683  16 002  19 098  26 579 
** until 2000 number of the wagons loaded by swap bodies       

Number of transported containers      

total    53 856  67 850  74 003  87 417  94 456  169 078 
*** until 2000 number of the wagons loaded by containers      
goods transported in containers and swap bodies (1000s tonnes)****    1 214  1 604  1 899  2 227  2 449  2 901 
**** including the weight of loading units      

Source: transport statistics of the MDS

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