National transport of goods by commodity in CR - Road transport

(thous. tonnes)

  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Total* 566 017  656 543  482 935  443 369  416 720  382 287 
Cereals, fruit and vegetables, live animals, textiles, other raw animal and vegetable materials * * 33 828  37 938  38 539  38 975 
Foodstuffs, animal food and foostuff waste, oil seeds and oleagionous fruit and fats * * 61 572  71 891  48 246  37 796 
Solid mineral fuels * * 15 197  8 121  10 942  8 250 
Crude petroleum, petroleum products and gas * * 14 588  4 122  4 900  6 742 
Iron - ore,iIron and steel, non-ferrous orea and waste * * 7 974  5 185  8 438  6 761 
Metal products * * 6 883  7 375  5 799  9 820 
Crude and manufactured minerals, cement, lime and manufactured building materials * * 207 497  207 244  209 215  198 157 
Natural and chemical fertilizers * * 10 748  12 502  18 912  10 913 
Coal chemicals, tar, other chemicals, paper pulp and waste paper  * * 6 171  5 739  6 943  10 059 
Miscellaneous articles * * 118 477  83 252  64 785  54 813 

Source: transport statistics of the MDS

*  Vehicles registered in the CR only

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