Export of goods by commodity from CR - total

(thous. tonnes)

  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Total 33 965  45 598  47 587  39 546  42 133  43 546 
Cereals, fruit and vegetables, live animals, textiles, other raw animal and vegetable materials 4 121  3 582  5 055  4 076  5 061  5 238 
Foodstuffs, animal food and foostuff waste, oil seeds and oleagionous fruit and fats 695  1 798  1 670  1 095  1 743  2 012 
Solid mineral fuels 14 061  14 208  13 035  11 524  10 727  9 704 
Crude petroleum, petroleum products and gas 335  397  1 414  1 334  1 441  1 543 
Iron - ore,iIron and steel, non-ferrous orea and waste 825  1 307  962  996  985  977 
Metal products 528  1 057  5 749  4 706  5 256  4 942 
Crude and manufactured minerals, cement, lime and manufactured building materials 4 041  6 778  5 731  5 013  3 840  4 267 
Natural and chemical fertilizers 485  1 070  628  639  508  557 
Coal chemicals, tar, other chemicals, paper pulp and waste paper  2 082  2 847  3 733  2 502  2 926  3 142 
Miscellaneous articles 6 791  12 555  9 609  7 661  9 647  11 164 

Source: transport statistics of the MDS

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