7.1.2. Victims of the rail traffic accidents

  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Victims (killed and injured) (Total number) 265  540  250  336  240  229 
by type of casualty      
passengers 64  94  55  14  15 
as a result of collisions and derailment 94  55  10 
as a result of other accidents 62  12 
railroad employees 20  23  10  19 
other (drivers of the road vehicles and persons that were run over on tracks) 181  423  191  332  211  195 
Killed (number) 63  159  108  202  81  74 
by type of casualty      
passengers 17 
as a result of collisions and derailment
as a result of other accidents 16 
railroad employees
other (drivers of the road vehicles and persons that were run over on tracks) 43  156  107  201  80  72 
Injured (number) 202  381  142  134  159  155 
by type of casualty      
passengers 47  92  55  18  15 
as a result of collisions and derailment 92  55  10 
as a result of other accidents 46  11 
railroad employees 17  22  10  17 
other (drivers of the road vehicles and persons that were run over on tracks) 138  267  84  131  131  123 

Source: Generální inspektorát ČD

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