2.2.7. Breakdown of state budget expenditures on transport by type (in thous. CZK)

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Non-capital grants to enterprises - total 6 650 294 5 902 482 6 565 852 7 538 252 7 988 089 6 437 288
of which:
MDS 6 650 294 5 902 482 6 565 852 7 538 252 7 988 089 1 605 540
SFDI 0 0 0 0 0 4 831 748
Capital grants to enterprises - total 3 504 536 4 810 902 4 849 757 5 810 718 4 766 320 6 660 475
of which:
MDS1) 3 504 536 4 810 902 4 849 757 5 810 718 4 766 320 1 292 175
SFDI 0 0 0 0 0 5 368 300
Non-capital expenditures of budgetary organizations - total 1 366 575 704 200 704 628 678 135 815 595 696 691
of which:
total wage expenditure 245 615 276 839 275 121 250 864 261 597 204 054
Insurance and allotments into FKSP 90 885 101 218 100 744 92 058 96 730 74 953
Capital expenditures for budgetary organizations, total 3 977 670 148 958 133 580 196 303 709 265 142 741
of which:
system subsidies - total 2 588 330 148 958 133 580 196 303 319 464 142 741
of which:
MDS 2 588 330 148 958 133 580 196 303 319 464 42 847
SFDI 0 0 0 0 0 99 894
individual grants to selected investment activities 1 325 000 0 0 0 389 801 0
Grants to subsidized organizations - total 5 205 424 7 393 394 7 034 010 7 778 851 5 438 565 8 368 165
of which:
MDS2) 5 205 424 7 393 394 7 034 010 7 778 851 5 438 565 109 409
SFDI 0 0 0 0 0 8 258 756
Non-capital direct transfer into OkÚ budget and for municipalities - total 3 660 3 705 2 976 2 906 2 721 87 702
of which:
MDS 3 660 3 705 2 976 2 906 2 721 4 640
SFDI 0 0 0 0 0 83 062
Grants to civic assotiations - total 3 660 3 705 2 976 2 906 2 721 4 640
of which:
MDS 3 660 3 705 2 976 2 906 2 721 4 121
SFDI 0 0 0 0 0 519
Other grants and contributions 1 126 2 832 2 726 2 483 4 158 2 364
Individual grants to selected investment activities of subsidized organizations - total 4 009 430 4 201 339 1 547 439 2 437 723 1 580 056 3 685 341
of which:
MDS 4 009 430 4 201 339 1 547 439 2 437 723 1 580 056 0
SFDI 0 0 0 0 0 3 685 341
System grants to subsidized organizations 1 079 127 5 816 532 4 847 124 6 459 818 3 239 732 4 000 684
of which:
MDS3) 1 079 127 5 816 532 4 847 124 6 459 818 3 239 732 568 532
SFDI 0 0 0 0 0 3 432 152
Investments to villages and towns - total 0 689 298 79 363 377 292 127 165 248 407
of which:
MDS 0 689 298 79 363 377 292 127 165 82 253
SFDI 0 0 0 0 0 166 154
Total revenue of budgetary organizations 143 373 410 208 425 553 2 200 521 1 161 018 91 896
Limit of number of employees of central bodies 231 734 739 760 310 358
Total limit of wage assets for the regulation of the number of employees in the central authority administration 41 096 139 107 140 878 167 299 78 057 100 618
of which other personal expenses 907 2 642 2 538 2 485 1 370 1 487
Total expenditures 25 801 502 29 677 347 25 770 431 31 285 387 24 674 387 30 334 498

Source : MDS
1) Investment grants to enterprises for the years 1997,1998 and 1999 include grants to infrastructure renewal after floods
2) Grants to subsidized organizations for the years 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 include expenditure on the transport infrastructure renewal after floods and the data for 2000 include Universities grants in amount of CZK 7 691 thousand and CZK 9 008 thousand in the year 2001
3) System grants to subsidized organizations include in the years 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 the expenditure on the infrastructure renewal after floods
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