2.2.8. Gross expenditure on transport-annual average per capita (in CZK)

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Total transport 5 342 7 128 6 887 8 133 7 774 8 558
of which:
Individual means of transport purchase 1 666 2 265 1 873 2 883 2 028 2 585
of which:
personal cars 1 470 2 072 1 679 2 660 1 808 2 364
two-wheel motor vehicles 11 30 13 22 16 23
bicycles 185 163 181 199 204 198
Operation and servicing 2 754 3 676 3 732 3 935 4 358 4 533
of which:
fuel and oil 1 950 2 472 2 571 2 788 3 216 3 345
other needs 336 468 451 388 422 447
car repairs and maintenance 353 546 490 531 488 541
Car operation 115 190 220 228 232 200
Passenger and goods transport 921 1 187 1 282 1 315 1 388 1 440
of which:
passenger transport 887 1 155 1 258 1 283 1 354 1 416
of which:
MHD total1) 355 451 530 538 547 535
of which: season tickets 258 318 374 * * *
              other tickets 97 133 156 * * *
bus total1) 368 472 467 473 518 551
of which: season tickets 94 88 76 * * *
              other tickets 274 384 391 * * *
rail total1) 125 165 204 221 228 242
of which: season tickets 22 27 30 * * *
              other tickets 103 138 174 * * *
other passenger transport 39 67 57 50 61 88
Goods transport 34 31 24 33 33 24

Source : ČSÚ
1) since 1999 total only
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