2.4.1. Basic economic indicators of legal entities and natural persons in road transport (CZ-NACE 60.2)

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Average number of active enterprises * 28 775 31 049 32 183 31 928 *
Number of working owners of firms and co-operative members of household at 31 December * 30 578 29 919 33 928 33 943 *
Number of employees * 132 458 129 268 135 084 132 553 *
Average registered number of employees (actual persons) * 101 880 99 349 101 156 98 610 *
Average registered number of employees * 100 935 98 888 100 597 97 801 *
Wages excl. other personnel costs (in mill. CZK) * 12 239 12 973 13 626 14 079 *
Other personnel costs (in mill. CZK) * 124 123 122 143 *
Average monthly wage per employee (in mill. CZK) (actual persons) * 10 011 10 882 11 225 11 898 *
Revenue, total (in mill. CZK) * 91 888 111 152 157 036 169 554 *
of which:
Total sales (in mill. CZK) * 73 428 84 326 97 197 99 492 *
of which:
Receipts from sales of goods (in mill. CZK) * 464 705 2 305 429 *
Services sales (in mill. CZK) * 68 382 77 463 78 822 91 372 *
Goods sales (in mill. CZK) * 4 581 6 157 16 070 7 691 *
Performances (in mill. CZK) * 69 406 79 180 85 140 93 359 *
Book value added (in mill. CZK) * 16 874 17 659 18 446 20 275 *
Costs, total (in mill. CZK) * 89 199 109 284 155 518 167 406 *
of which:
Book intermediate consumption (in mill. CZK) * 52 533 61 521 66 694 73 084 *
Costs spent on goods sold (in mill. CZK) * 4 734 5 678 12 802 6 979 *
Equity capital at 31 December (in mill. CZK) * 80 466 84 317 96 311 93 344 *
Total investments (in mill. CZK) * 10 168 10 943 11 590 13 881 *
of which:
Tangibles (in mill. CZK) * 10 097 10 856 11 164 13 788 *
Intangibles (in mill. CZK) * 71 87 425 93 *
Tangible property at 31 December (in mill. CZK) * 83 545 89 765 99 850 103 655 *
Intangible property at 31 December (in mill. CZK) * 426 451 616 598 *
Total inventories at 31 December (in mill. CZK) * 2 093 2 408 4 576 2 586 *
Book value added per 1 employee incl. entrepreneurs (in thous. CZK) * 127 137 137 151 *
Percentual share of book intermediate consumption in performances * 75,7 77,7 78,3 78,3 *

Source : ÈSÚ
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