Airport traffic - passenger air transport (all commercial air carriers)

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Passengers (number) 3 872 236 4 679 024 4 864 603 5 099 457 5 826 731 6 351 193
of which:  embarked 1 717 555 2 191 242 2 309 493 2 540 833 2 935 307 3 164 324
              disembarked 1 698 345 2 195 256 2 241 804 2 508 213 2 848 812 3 162 874
              direct transit 66 432 292 526 313 306 50 411 42 612 23 995
International traffic
Passengers (number) 3 278 324 4 508 193 4 715 699 4 945 371 5 696 082 6 241 030
of which:  embarked 1 639 963 2 116 467 2 243 684 2 471 687 2 873 692 3 122 116
              disembarked 1 630 075 2 113 256 2 180 489 2 437 768 2 788 859 3 097 243
              direct transit 63 758 278 470 291 526 35 916 33 531 21 671
Domestic traffic
Passengers (number) 148 536 170 831 148 904 154 086 130 649 110 163
of which:  embarked 77 592 74 775 65 809 69 146 61 615 42 208
              disembarked 68 270 82 000 61 315 70 445 59 953 65 631
              direct transit 2 674 14 056 21 780 14 495 9 081 2 324

Source : MDS's transport statistics
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