Export of goods the from Czech Republic by commodity - Rail transport (in thous. tonnes)

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Total 27 246 26 441 25 415 24 661 24 579 23 759
Cereals, fruit and vegetables, live animals, textiles, other raw animal and vegetable materials 2 735 2 090 1 890 2 516 2 571 2 315
Foodstuffs, animal food and foodstuff waste, oil seeds and oleagionous fruit and fats 118 351 318 449 646 461
Solid mineral fuels 13 889 12 495 11 401 10 344 9 515 9 180
Crude petroleum, petroleum products and gas 335 1 013 1 221 1 070 975 1 256
Iron - ore,iIron and steel, non-ferrous orea and waste 778 65 97 95 71 195
Metal products 159 4 270 3 808 3 523 3 711 3 226
Crude and manufactured minerals, cement, lime and manufactured building materials 2 113 1 827 2 115 2 126 2 207 1 633
Natural and chemical fertilizers 218 219 195 184 200 175
Coal chemicals, tar, other chemicals, paper pulp and waste paper  1 468 1 517 1 511 1 417 1 378 1 432
Miscellaneous articles 5 433 2 594 2 859 2 937 3 306 3 887

Source : MDS's transport statistics
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