Goods transport by road (vehicles registered in the Czech Republic only)

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Transport of goods total (in thous. tonnes) 578 796 521 482 470 888 448 300 414 725 438 683
by type of transport
national 566 017 482 934 443 370 416 720 382 287 403 932
total international 12 779 38 548 27 518 31 580 32 437 34 751
of which:   export 5 540 20 312 13 414 16 751 18 346 19 014
               import 6 083 13 985 8 417 13 444 12 341 14 196
               cross-trade 1 156 4 251 5 687 1 385 1 750 1 533
               cabotage 0 0 0 0 0 8
by kind of transport
for hire or reward 360 644 222 642 201 933 207 763 199 566 248 490
for own account 218 152 298 840 268 955 240 537 215 159 190 193
Transport performance (mill. tonnes-km) 31 268 40 640 33 911 36 964 39 036 40 260
by type of transport
national 14 696 17 046 17 931 16 930 15 986 16 082
total international 16 572 23 594 15 980 20 034 23 050 24 178
of which:      export 7 184 11 733 7 240 10 161 11 595 12 238
                    import 7 888 9 387 6 078 8 451 8 887 9 964
                    cross-trade 1 500 2 474 2 662 1 421 2 568 1 975
                    cabotage 0 0 0 0 0 1
by kind of transport
for hire or reward 26 577 30 781 24 489 26 039 31 363 34 212
for own account 4 691 9 859 9 423 10 925 7 673 6 048

Source : MDS's transport statistics
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