6.2.2. Number of persons killed (within 30 days from the data of accident) or injured persons by location and nature of accident

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Total of persons killed during all accidents (number) 1 588 1 597 1 360 1 455 1 486 1 334
During accidents on motorways 35 35 45 44 45 43
During accidents in communities (except motorways) 741 701 557 584 613 526
During accidents outside of communities (except motorways) 812 861 758 827 828 765
During accidents between vehicle and pedestrian 421 427 328 334 353 198
During single-vehicle accidents 461 114 114 111 129 32
During accidents between vehicles 706 606 512 548 569 149
During accidents due to the influence of alcohol 224 205 188 160 126 112
Total of persons injured during all accidents (number) 36 967 36 608 35 227 34 710 32 439 33 676
During accidents on motorways 490 589 658 625 563 589
During accidents in communities (except motorways) 23 192 22 610 21 020 20 398 19 661 10 795
During accidents outside of communities (except motorways) 13 285 13 409 13 549 13 801 12 215 22 292
During accidents between vehicle and pedestrian 6 408 5 865 5 485 5 227 4 921 4 642
During single-vehicle accidents 11 115 4 296 4 565 4 308 3 829 1 060
During accidents between vehicles 19 444 18 110 16 941 17 261 16 204 1 192
During accidents due to the influence of alcohol 5 967 5 715 5 256 4 910 4 677 4 723

Source : Policejní prezídium ÈR
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