Transport Yearbook 2004

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2.3.1. Basic economic indicators of legal entities and natural persons in railway transport (CZ-NACE 60.1)

  1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 1) 2003 2)
Enterprises, total * 50 37 67 63 46
Number of working owners of companies and contributing family members, 31 Dec * 36 41 23 43 23
Workers, total (actual persons) * 92 884 89 760 88 000 86 115 82 412
Average registered number of employees (actual persons) * 92 848 89 719 87 977 86 072 82 389
Average registered number of employees (full-time equivalent) * 93 121 90 018 88 226 86 037 82 333
Wages excl. other personnel expenses (mill. CZK) * 14 819 15 592 16 309 17 039 17 250
Other personnel expenses (mill. CZK) * 230 260 186 411 455
Average monthly gross wage per actual person (CZK) * 13 300 14 482 15 448 16 497 17 448
Revenues, total (mill. CZK) * 41 582 42 576 48 187 50 974 55 866
of which:
Sales (revenues), total (mill. CZK) * 30 402 31 610 32 212 31 072 43 384
of which:
Sales of own goods (mill. CZK) * 243 353 622 342 279
Sales of services (mill. CZK) * 29 871 30 934 31 294 30 492 42 868
Sales of goods for resale (mill. CZK) * 288 323 296 238 237
Outputs, incl. trade margin (mill. CZK) * 30 590 31 818 32 405 31 303 43 458
Book value added (mill. CZK) * 14 753 15 707 14 765 13 194 19 824
Expenses, total (mill. CZK) * 45 702 47 408 52 199 55 610 56 520
of which:
Production consumption (mill. CZK) 3) * 15 837 16 111 17 640 18 109 23 634
Expenses of goods sold (mill. CZK) * 239 281 262 186 161
Equity capital, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) * 85 778 86 123 88 674 84 489 42 695
Acquisition of fixed assets, total (mill. CZK) * 13 376 14 801 16 059 17 768 3 754
of which:
Tangible fixed assets (mill. CZK) * 13 223 14 732 16 011 17 706 3 690
Intangible fixed assets (mill. CZK) * 153 69 48 62 64
Tangible fixed assets at net book value, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) * 187 406 89 088 97 448 106 811 28 610
Intangible fixed assets at net book value, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) * 2 485 55 106 101 70
Inventories, total, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) * 1 928 1 911 1 925 2 043 1 921
Book value added per worker (thous. CZK) * 159 175 168 153 241
Percentage of production consumption in outputs (%) * 51,8 50,6 54,4 57,9 54,4

1) Revised data
2) Preliminary data
3) In 2002 the calculation of the production consumption for unincorporated natural persons was changed
Note: The time series of the basic indicators is not fully methodologically comparable. Since the year 2000, available administrative sources have been used to identify activities of enterprises. This resulted in changes in the indicator values published before.

Source: ČSÚ