Transport Yearbook 2004

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  1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Freight, total (tonnes) 34 805 37 807 35 877 44 126 53 485 58 866
of which: embarked 19 497 18 857 16 725 22 712 27 687 31 092
                disembarked 15 308 18 950 19 152 21 414 25 798 27 774
mail (of total) * 4 589 5 300 5 495 5 449 5 771
International traffic
Freight, total (tonnes) 33 938 36 371 34 800 43 073 52 495 58 094
of which: embarked 19 087 18 133 16 194 22 169 27 206 30 725
                disembarked 14 851 18 238 18 606 20 904 25 289 27 369
mail (of the total) * 4 607 4 391 4 751 4 758 5 200
Domestic traffic
Freight, total (tonnes) 867 1 436 1 077 1 052 990 772
of which: embarked 410 724 531 542 481 367
                disembarked 457 712 546 510 509 405
mail (of the total) * 693 738 744 691 571

Source: MD