Transport Yearbook 2004

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  1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Total 33 968 43 550 43 288 41 330 42 370 39 693
by countries of unloading
Belgium 98 449 355 611 577 455
Denmark 12 8 17 43 144 139
Estonia 0 32 60 23 20 16
Finland 4 21 51 25 17 44
France 107 646 751 1 016 985 950
Ireland 7 0 13 4 11 34
Italy 353 1 153 1 422 1 146 1 290 1 070
Lithuania 2 2 1 1 14 39
Latvia 1 26 0 2 54 0
Luxembourg 3 82 43 35 40 31
Hungary 2 010 1 925 2 364 2 021 2 099 2 126
Germany 10 073 18 398 17 685 16 291 14 576 13 075
Netherlands 123 720 772 788 839 890
Poland 3 525 5 427 4 228 3 599 4 067 3 763
Portugal 0 0 35 2 0 35
Austria 5 479 5 797 6 127 6 370 6 934 7 096
Slovak Republic 8 085 5 798 6 321 5 866 6 541 5 760
Slovenia 865 763 768 712 1 054 640
United Kingdom 33 487 399 611 680 572
Spain 5 452 312 280 268 406
Sweden 76 161 191 260 261 380
Greece 38 1 42 31 49 11
Total EU 30 898 42 350 41 956 39 739 40 518 37 533
Iceland 0 0 0 0 0 0
Norway 7 39 67 60 93 26
Switzerland 97 166 132 145 215 191
Total EFTA 104 205 199 205 308 217
Belarus 0 0 0 27 53 31
Bosnia-Herzegovina 0 13 10 0 12 42
Bulgaria 20 55 26 44 71 107
Croatia 456 388 339 440 538 483
Moldova 0 3 10 11 9 10
Romania 33 226 272 396 377 521
Russian Federation 0 13 19 23 194 176
Turkey 7 1 0 101 25 57
Ukraine 0 60 164 186 203 286
Total other ECMT countries 515 758 841 1 228 1 482 1 714
Other countries 2 450 238 293 157 63 229

Source: MD's transport statistics