Transport Yearbook 2004

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  1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Total 27 988 33 731 35 844 34 449 37 749 37 189
by countries of loading
Belgium 132 649 602 683 734 663
Denmark 29 6 0 21 85 89
Estonia 0 32 0 2 0 24
Finland 15 42 0 24 24 23
France 131 526 530 694 810 917
Ireland 1 0 34 0 7 0
Italy 326 631 1 049 884 1 084 807
Lithuania 3 0 0 26 0 36
Latvia 0 0 0 1 0 19
Luxembourg 3 50 72 84 67 24
Germany 4 654 9 759 9 668 10 209 11 135 11 056
Netherlands 390 836 890 747 1 027 1 026
Hungary 289 713 714 493 633 768
Poland 4 957 5 210 5 211 4 711 5 606 5 604
Portugal 1 0 10 29 0 5
Austria 1 336 1 184 2 243 1 433 915 1 241
Slovak Republic 13 782 12 729 6 188 5 286 6 026 5 067
Slovenia 136 145 166 66 111 112
United Kingdom 65 343 319 277 285 326
Spain 50 440 310 282 396 376
Sweden 45 111 232 239 260 290
Greece 1 31 23 29 29 34
Total EU 26 346 33 436 28 261 26 220 29 235 28 507
Iceland 0 0 0 0 0 0
Norway 4 65 1 1 3 13
Switzerland 63 77 75 114 110 194
Total EFTA 67 142 76 115 113 207
Belarus 0 0 7 764 1 200 686
Bosnia-Herzegovina 0 2 2 0 25 10
Bulgaria 2 0 1 4 59 15
Croatia 25 29 9 50 53 16
Moldova 0 0 0 0 0 7
Romania 13 77 143 111 85 97
Russian Federation 0 0 386 490 644 1 065
Turkey 13 0 0 24 23 26
Ukraine 0 0 6 456 6 595 6 294 6 508
Total other ECMT countries 53 108 7 004 8 039 8 383 8 430
Other ECMT countries
Other countries 1 523 44 504 75 18 46

Source: MD's transport statistics