Transport Yearbook 2005

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2.2.3. Total investment expenditure in transport infrastructure (current prices) (mill. CZK)

Infrastructure type 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Railway 13 200,3 13 417,0 14 599,7 13 244,0 13 136,6 14 428,1
Road1) 10 988,0 10 300,9 15 970,7 19 921,8 32 901,8 42 137,0
Inland Waterways 402,2 292,2 512,9 365,8 367,4 303,0
Air 992,8 1 718,2 1 191,8 1 652,9 4 803,2 7 045,4
Pipeline 399,2 739,2 661,1 587,0 506,3 164,3
Total 25 982,5 26 467,5 32 936,2 35 771,5 51 715,4 64 077,7

1) Road investment expenditure includes the expenditures on motorways, I, II and III class roads


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