Transport Yearbook 2005

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2.6.1. Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in air transport (CZ-NACE 62)

  2000 2001 2002 20031) 2004 2005
Enterprises (firms), total 29 31 32 32 27 *
Workers, total (actual persons) 4 767 5 125 5 123 5 259 5 598 *
Average registered number of employees (actual persons) 4 748 5 110 5 102 5 236 5 583 *
Average registered number of employees (full-time equivalent) 4 558 5 074 5 085 5 179 5 563 *
Wages excl. other personnel expenses (mill. CZK) 1 281 1 627 1 812 2 076 2 859 *
Other personnel expenses (mill. CZK) 12 12 15 19 29 *
Average monthly gross wage per actual person (CZK) 22 485 26 540 29 596 33 042 42 677 *
Revenues, total (mill. CZK) 22 889 25 017 26 472 25 529 30 130 *
of which: 
Sales (revenues), total (mill. CZK) 18 901 20 247 19 778 20 994 24 477 *
of which: 
Sales of services (mill. CZK) 18 190 19 472 19 063 20 220 23 759 *
Sales of goods for resale (mill. CZK) 708 771 714 774 718 *
Outputs, incl. trade margin (mill. CZK) 18 573 19 884 19 442 20 656 24 109 *
Book value added (mill. CZK) 2 543 987 1 556 2 337 3 681 *
Expenses, total (mill. CZK) 22 606 25 472 26 648 25 614 29 846 *
of which: 
Production consumption (mill. CZK) 2) 16 030 18 897 17 886 18 319 20 428 *
Expenses of goods sold (mill. CZK) 346 376 343 376 408 *
Equity capital, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) 2 355 1 911 1 591 1 686 2 183 *
Acquisition of fixed assets, total (mill. CZK) 999 823 838 1 009 1 384 *
of which: 
Tangible fixed assets (mill. CZK) 988 790 804 979 1 310 *
Intangible fixed assets (mill. CZK) 11 33 34 30 74 *
Tangible fixed assets at net book value, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) 3 205 2 219 2 615 2 392 3 588 *
Intangible fixed assets at net book value, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) 19 20 68 39 38 *
Inventories, total, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) 422 559 535 620 667 *
Book value added per worker (thous. CZK) 533 193 304 444 658 *
Percentage of production consumption in outputs (%) 86 95,0 92,0 88,68 84,73 *

1) Revised data
2) In 2002 the calculation of the production consumption for unincorporated natural persons was changed

Source: ČSÚ

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