Transport Yearbook 2007

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6.6.2. Number of road traffic accidents resulted in personal injury or death on motorways

  2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Austria 2 485 2 448 2 629 2 562 2 387 *
Belgium 4 961 4 307 4 150 3 393 * *
Czech Republic 396 442 444 455 450 449
Germany 25 578 24 625 22 646 21 458 20 943 *
Denmark   286 348 102 263 * *
Spain 3 121 3 216 3 686 3 314 3 311 *
Finland 152 179 160 170 172 *
France 7 401 7 596 6 161 5 285 5 827 *
United Kingdom 9 394 8 942 8 746 9 072 8 619 *
Greece 279 227 231 456 * *
Hungary 275 356 357 453 405 *
Ireland 50 39 48 40 * *
Italy 13 396 14 761 * * * *
Luxembourg 111 87 68 * * *
Netherlands * 3 946 2 527 2 277 * *
Poland 218 238 219 215 228
Portugal * * 2 076 1 915 * *
Sweden 1 128 1 353 1 315 1 485 * *
Slovak Republic * * * * * *

Source: EHK/OSN

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