Transport Yearbook 2007

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6.6.4. Number of persons injured in road traffic accidents

  2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Austria 54 929 56 684 56 881 55 857 53 234 51 930
Belgium 67 961 64 989 65 386 62 993 65 342 65 297
Czech Republic 32 439 34 389 35 438 34 254 32 211 28 114
Germany 504 074 476 413 462 170 440 126 * 422 337
Denmark   9 092 8 791 8 412 7 546 * *
Spain 149 781 146 917 150 635 138 383 132 809 *
Finland 8 508 8 156 9 088 8 791 8 979 8 580
France 166 243 137 839 119 069 112 023 111 683 105 980
United Kingdom 331 423 310 938 297 274 286 979 275 840 264 286
Greece 30 763 22 459 20 737 20 179 * *
Hungary 22 698 25 978 26 627 28 054 27 505 27 977
Ireland 12 043 9 206 8 262 7 867 6 173 *
Italy 321 796 341 660 318 961 * 334 858 332 955
Luxembourg 1 255 1 100 1 052 990 1 089 *
Netherlands 46 084 40 682 37 976 33 302 * *
Poland 71 638 67 498 63 900 64 661 61 191 59 123
Portugal 59 924 56 585 55 258 52 009 * *
Sweden 22 032 24 747 27 103 26 852 * *
Slovak Republic 10 094 10 263 11 321 11 190 10 490 10 692

Source: EHK/OSN

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