Transport Yearbook 2009

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2.2.1. Gross value added in transport sector (current prices) (mill. CZK)

  2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 20081)
Gross value added - transport total 137 809 194 573 189 397 226 472 243 431 255 769
of which:
rail (NACE 601) 13 039 17 258 20 861 23 401 24 594 25 255
road (NACE 602) 52 903 82 341 75 623 102 481 108 729 110 328
inland waterways (NACE 61) 701 153 119 236 292 300
air (NACE 62) 6 490 7 723 5 336 8 194 8 416 8 106

1) Preliminary data

Source: ČSÚ