Transport Yearbook 2009

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2.2.4. Investment expenditure in transport infrastructure from the State Budget and from the State Fund of Transport Infrastructure (mill. CZK)

Infrastructure type 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Railway - MD 3 813,4 62,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Railway - SFDI 1 460,8 13 336,3 13 024,5 16 259,9 22 532,5 18 903,0
Road1) - MD 4 153,0 15 554,0 5 916,9 3 300,0 4 840,0 5 186,3
Road1) - SFDI 2 774,9 24 049,9 29 111,2 35 785,8 44 768,4 46 779,6
Inland Waterways - MD 93,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Inland Waterways - SFDI 161,8 302,2 524,5 389,7 538,4 1 557,1
Air - MD 200,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Total - MD 8 259,4 15 616,4 5 916,9 3 300,0 4 840,0 5 186,3
Total - SFDI 4 397,5 37 688,4 42 660,2 52 435,4 67 839,3 67 239,7

1) investment expenditures from the State Fund of Transport Infrastructure on cycle lanes were 85 891 thous. CZK in 2005, 103 986 thous. CZK in 2006, 106 368 thous. CZK in 2007, 199 129 thous. CZK in 2008 and 259 855 thous. CZK in 2009
2) data represent the real financial expenditures from State Fund of Transport Infrastructure including prefinancing expenditures which are to be supported by the respective EU funds
3) since 1.1.2005 the expenditures on the II. and III. class roads are not provided from the SFDI budget, but from the regions´ budgets directly

Source: MD, SFDI, SŽDC