Transport Yearbook 2009

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2.2.5. Subsidies to scheduled public passenger transport (mill. CZK)

  2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Buses and coaches (excl. MHD)
State budget 1 214 0 0 0 0 0
Regional (district) authority budgets 1) 848 3 691 3 545 3 816 4 351 4 538
Municipality budgets 429 640 554 253 332 380
Total 2 491 4 331 4 099 4 069 4 683 4 918
Railway passenger transport
State budget2) 7 021 2 620 2 542 3 491 4 035 7 189
Regional (district) authority budgets 0 4 546 4 792 4 529 5 085 5 191
Total 7 021 7 166 7 334 8 020 9 120 12 380
Total subsidies 9 512 11 497 11 433 12 089 13 803 17 298

1) Since 2005 the grants were provided from the budget of regions (methodological change of financing arising from the Act No. 1/2005 Coll.)
2) In 2009 including state subsidies to the regions to finance rail transport

Note: Time series of values are not fully comparable. Since 2005 the presented amounts include a compensation for the losses incurred on providing a student’s fare.

Source: MD