Transport Yearbook 2009

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2.3.1. Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in land transport and transport via pipelines* (CZ-NACE 49)

  2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Enterprises (firms), total * * 38 058 38 278 38 796 38 873
Number of persons employed, total (headcount) * * 257 771 254 922 261 407 258 576
of which:
Average registered number of employees (headcount) * * 221 155 223 157 226 541 222 177
Average registered number of employees - FTE * * 220 170 222 004 225 436 219 296
Wages excl. other personnel expenses * * 49 293 52 106 57 011 59 316
Average monthly gross wage per person (headcount) * * 18 574 19 458 20 972 22 248
Average monthly gross wage per FTE person * * 18 657 19 559 21 074 22 540
Sales, total * * 475 639 452 959 502 401 512 877
Sales, total per employee * * 1 845 1 777 1 922 1 983
Outputs, incl. trade margin * * 367 019 394 550 438 527 439 003
Production consumption * * 270 195 290 575 318 564 323 012
Production consumption percentage in outputs * * 73,6 73,6 72,6 73,6
Book value added * * 96 824 103 975 119 964 115 991
Book value added percentage in outputs * * 26,4 26,4 27,4 26,4
Book value added per employee * * 376 408 459 449

*) preliminary data

Note: In connection with introduction of NACE Rev. 2 k since 1.1.2008 current values were recalculated and classification of individual enterprises according to their economic activity was reconsidered

Source: ČSÚ