Transport Yearbook 2009

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  2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total passenger transport (thous.) 3 483,5 6 329,9 6 709,6 6 977,0 7 158,0 7 353,2
of which
international 3 449,4 6 248,6 6 601,2 6 864,3 7 040,0 7 245,3
domestic 33,9 81,3 108,4 112,7 118,0 107,8
scheduled 2 229,2 4 709,9 4 935,0 4 928,4 5 031,0 5 070,8
non-scheduled 1 254,3 1 619,9 1 774,6 2 048,6 2 127,0 2 282,4
Total passenger transport performance (mill. passenger-km) 5 864,7 9 735,7 10 233,1 10 477,3 10 749,0 11 330,5
of which:
international 5 854,7 9 713,3 10 204,7 10 448,3 10 718,0 11 303,3
domestic 10,0 22,5 28,3 29,0 30,0 27,2
scheduled 3 313,1 6 613,3 6 655,0 6 373,0 6 346,0 6 349,9
non-scheduled 2 551,5 3 122,4 3 578,0 4 104,3 4 403,0 4 980,6
Seat-kilometres offered (mill.) 7 725,5 13 688,7 14 032,9 14 781,9 15 254,0 15 515,4
Passenger load factor (%) 75,91 71,12 72,93 70,88 70,46 73,03

Source: MD