Transport Yearbook 2009

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6.2.1. Number of road traffic accidents by location and nature of accident

  2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total accidents 25 445 25 239 22 115 23 060 22 481 21 706
Accidents on motorways 396 450 449 481 447 412
Accidents inside built-up areas (except motorways) 16 426 15 636 13 552 13 719 13 443 12 987
Accidents outside built-up areas (except motorways) 8 623 9 153 8 114 8 860 8 591 8 307
Accidents between vehicle and pedestrian 4 923 4 156 3 859 3 982 3 772 3 524
Single-vehicle accidents 3 077 3 502 3 024 3 212 3 129 2 985
Accidents between vehicles 11 705 11 686 10 075 10 474 11 228 11 184
Accidents due to the influence of alcohol 3 566 2 688 2 252 2 363 2 334 2 197

Source: PP ČR