Transport Yearbook 2010

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2.1.3. Gross Domestic Product by industry division (current prices) (bill. CZK)

  2005 2006 2007 2008 20091) 20102)
GDP at purchase prices 2 983,9 3 222,4 3 535,5 3 689,0 3 625,9 3 667,4
Taxes less subsidies 308,6 314,7 357,4 367,6 367,9 371,3
Gross value added 2 675,3 2 907,7 3 178,0 3 321,4 3 258,0 3 296,1
of which:
Agricult., Forestry, Fishing 81,0 75,5 78,3 84,5 73,9 79,1
Industry 845,1 927,9 1 018,0 1 029,8 988,5 1 004,3
Construction 168,0 183,0 204,2 219,4 239,9 236,6
Trade, Repairs, Hotels, Restaurants 395,2 432,3 457,6 489,5 444,7 450,6
Transport, Communications 268,0 311,7 333,7 349,4 341,6 341,1
Financial intermediary services 81,5 89,1 119,9 122,6 126,6 121,8
Business services 366,9 386,5 435,5 470,9 470,3 485,2
Other services 469,5 501,7 530,9 555,3 572,6 577,5

1) preliminary data were obtained from the results of annual ČSÚ statistical report processing.
2) sum of quarterly estimates

Source: ČSÚ