Transport Yearbook 2010

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  2000 2005 2006 2007 20082) 20092)
Total1) * 3 915,2 3 952,4 4 015,3 4 039,0 3 826,5
of which:
Business sphere * 3 230,8 3 265,4 3 327,4 3 350,9 3 128,2
Non-business sphere * 684,4 687,0 687,9 688,0 698,2
CZ-NACE Section
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing * 140,5 136,9 128,7 119,3 110,1
B-E Industry, total * 1 322,4 1 329,2 1 355,1 1 349,3 1 188,2
B Mining and quarrying * 46,3 44,3 42,9 41,6 37,6
C Manufacturing * 1 183,9 1 196,5 1 225,1 1 222,8 1 068,1
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply * 39,2 35,7 34,2 31,3 31,4
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities * 53,0 52,7 52,9 53,6 50,9
F Construction * 261,2 262,6 264,6 267,9 263,2
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles * 472,0 480,5 492,8 503,7 487,6
H Transportation and storage * 270,1 270,2 272,8 270,1 258,4
I Accommodation and food service activities * 121,4 117,8 117,6 118,8 119,7
J Information and communication * 80,1 83,7 88,3 94,7 94,7
K Financial and insurance activities * 65,5 66,1 67,5 70,6 70,4
L Real estate activities * 41,3 41,9 41,0 47,6 46,1
M Professional, scientific and technical activities * 124,6 129,0 138,2 145,5 145,8
N Administrative and support service activities * 119,5 133,5 146,5 149,9 133,0
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security * 293,0 294,5 291,5 285,8 291,0
P Education * 266,0 266,7 268,9 266,4 268,3
Q Human health and social work activities * 252,4 251,7 253,3 256,8 258,6
R Arts, entertainment and recreation * 49,8 50,2 49,7 50,4 49,6
S Other services activities * 35,4 37,9 38,8 42,2 41,8

1) Data refer to employees in the registered number of businesses. The data were obtained from the results of annual ČSÚ statistical report processing.
2) Preliminary data.

Source: ČSÚ