Transport Yearbook 2010

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2.2.7. Average fuel prices (CZK)

  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Unleaded Petrol 95 Natural 28,48 29,59 29,54 30,32 27,15 31,74
Unleaded Petrol 91 Normal 28,14 29,31 29,28 29,84 26,91 31,57
Unleaded Petrol 98 Super plus 31,88 32,40 31,78 32,38 29,03 33,71
Unleaded Petrol 91 Special additive 28,02 29,06 29,05 29,85 26,69 31,28
Diesel 27,87 28,97 28,67 31,74 26,10 30,57
LPG 14,12 15,13 14,33 15,89 12,70 14,57

Source: ČSÚ