Transport Yearbook 2010

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5.2.6.Transport of crude petroleum within the territory of the Czech Republic

  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Total oil pipeline transport (thous. tonnes) 11 305,1 10 874,9 10 130,8 11 877,4 9 836,7 11 204,7
by type of transport
national 3 568,6 3 108,4 2 944,0 3 768,9 2 650,1 3 478,5
international - import 7 736,5 7 766,5 7 186,8 8 108,5 7 186,6 7 726,2
Total transport performace (mill. tonne-km) 2 259,0 2 291,2 2 078,7 2 314,6 2 155,9 2 190,7
by type of transport
national 149,9 107,8 84,6 138,2 85,6 111,4
international - import 2 109,1 2 183,4 1 994,1 2 176,4 2 070,3 2 079,3

1) national transport includes the crude petroleum which was draw from the petrol reservoirs in the year 2008
2) import includes the crude petroleum which was draw to the petrol reservoirs in the year 2008

Source: ČSÚ