Transport Yearbook 2011

back back | Transport Yearbook 2011 - go to Table of contents table of contents Average recorded number of employees in natural persons (thous.)

  2005 2006 2007 2008 20092) 20102)
Total1) 3 915 3 952 4 015 4 039 3 827 3 792
of which:
Business sphere 3 231 3 265 3 327 3 351 3 128 3 109
Non-business sphere 684 687 688 688 698 683
CZ-NACE Section
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 141 137 129 119 110 105
B-E Industry, total 1 322 1 329 1 355 1 349 1 188 1 158
B Mining and quarrying 46 44 43 42 38 36
C Manufacturing 1 184 1 197 1 225 1 223 1 068 1 044
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 39 36 34 31 31 29
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 53 53 53 54 51 50
F Construction 261 263 265 268 263 256
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 472 481 493 504 488 490
H Transportation and storage 270 270 273 270 258 252
I Accommodation and food service activities 121 118 118 119 120 114
J Information and communication 80 84 88 95 95 95
K Financial and insurance activities 66 66 68 71 70 70
L Real estate activities 41 42 41 48 46 43
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 125 129 138 146 146 149
N Administrative and support service activities 120 134 147 150 133 140
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 293 295 292 286 291 291
P Education 266 267 269 266 268 267
Q Human health and social work activities 252 252 253 257 259 268
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 50 50 50 50 50 49
S Other services activities 35 38 39 42 42 46

1) Data refer to employees in the registered number of businesses. The data were obtained from the results of annual ČSÚ statistical report processing.
2) Preliminary data.

Source: ČSÚ