Transport Yearbook 2011

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  2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Total passengers 11 433 269 13 313 865 13 629 278 12 482 563 12 343 811 12 750 017
of which: embarked 5 671 715 6 607 251 6 752 596 6 176 392 6 109 239 6 320 947
disembarked 5 679 374 6 616 955 6 760 558 6 201 669 6 142 328 6 340 626
direct transit 82 180 89 659 116 124 104 502 92 244 88 444
International traffic
Total passengers 11 241 526 13 057 067 13 468 711 12 359 428 12 136 914 12 628 303
of which: embarked 5 578 507 6 479 984 6 673 195 6 116 262 6 007 079 6 262 915
disembarked 5 581 987 6 488 135 6 680 813 6 140 252 6 040 694 6 279 688
direct transit 81 032 88 948 114 703 102 914 89 141 85 700
Domestic traffic
Total passengers 191 743 256 798 160 567 123 135 206 897 121 714
of which: embarked 93 208 127 267 79 401 60 130 102 160 58 032
disembarked 97 387 128 820 79 745 61 417 101 634 60 938
direct transit 1 148 711 1 421 1 588 3 103 2 744

Source: MD