Transport Yearbook 2012

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Table of contents

3. Transport infrastructure

  1. 3.1.
    Railway infrastructure
  2. 3.1.1.
  3. 3.1.2.
  4. 3.2.
    Road and urban public transport Infrastructure
  5. 3.2.1.
    Road transport tnfrastructure
  6. 3.2.2.
    Urban public transport infrastructure
  7. 3.3.
    Navigable inland waterways regularly used for transport
  8. 3.4.
    Air transport infrastructure
  9. 3.5.
    Pipeline transport infrastructure
  10. 3.6.
    Combined transport infrastructure
  11. 3.7.
    Comparisons of basic indicators between the regions of the Czech Republic
  12. 3.7.1.
    Length of operated railway lines
  13. 3.7.2.
    Length of roads
  14. 3.7.3.
    Length of 1st class roads
  15. 3.7.4.
    Length of motorways in operation
  16. 3.7.5.
    Length of expressways
  17. 3.8.
    Comparisons of basic indicators with the selected European countries
  18. 3.8.1.
    Length of operated lines
  19. 3.8.2.
    Length of operated electrified lines
  20. 3.8.3.
    Total length of motorways
  21. 3.8.4.
    Total length of state roads