Transport Yearbook 2012

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5.1.1. Comparison of passenger transport performance by mode

  2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Total passenger transport (mill.) 4 974.9 5 132.6 5 043.1 4 775.9 4 709.5 4 739.0
Rail transport 180.3 177.4 165.0 164.8 167.9 172.8
Bus transport 388.3 373.4 367.6 372.5 364.6 345.0
Air transport 6.3 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.5 6.4
Inland waterway transport1) 1.1 0.9 1.2 0.9 1.0 0.5
Urban public transport 2 268.9 2 323.8 2 262.0 2 260.3 2 138.5 2 224.2
Total public transport 2 844.9 2 882.6 2 803.1 2 805.9 2 679.5 2 749.0
Passenger car transport2) 3) 2 130.0 2 250.0 2 240.0 1 970.0 2 030.0 1 990.0
Total passenger transport performance (mill. passenger-km ) 108 602.8 115 045.3 115 183.2 107 028.6 108 352.6 106 982.6
Rail transport 6 667.0 6 803.3 6 503.2 6 590.7 6 714.0 7 264.7
Bus transport 8 607.3 9 215.2 9 493.6 10 335.7 9 266.7 9 015.4
Air transport 9 735.7 10 749.0 11 330.9 10 902.0 11 585.6 10 611.6
Inland waterway transport1) 18.1 17.3 10.5 12.8 14.8 17.3
Urban public transport 14 934.8 15 880.5 15 555.1 15 617.4 15 281.5 15 813.7
Total public transport 39 962.8 42 665.3 42 893.2 43 458.6 42 862.6 42 722.6
Passenger car transport2) 3) 68 640.0 72 380.0 72 290.0 63 570.0 65 490.0 64 260.0

1) Mainly holiday and weekend passenger transport
2) Expert estimation
3) in 2010 change in road traffic census methodology

Source: MD