Transport Yearbook 2013

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  2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 20122)
Total1) 18 283 22 653 23 425 23 903 24 466 25 100
of which:
Business sphere 17 945 22 513 23 218 23 744 24 479 25 096
Non-business sphere 19 877 23 335 24 352 24 627 24 405 25 115
CZ-NACE Section
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 13 950 17 909 17 766 18 092 18 622 19 436
B-E Industry, total 17 814 22 167 22 740 23 649 24 412 25 216
B Mining and quarrying 22 419 29 300 28 430 30 348 31 570 32 498
C Manufacturing 17 359 21 631 22 104 22 998 23 798 24 572
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 26 744 35 116 38 632 39 705 40 187 42 487
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 17 362 21 299 22 084 23 031 23 250 23 731
F Construction 16 660 21 143 22 318 22 379 22 828 22 902
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 16 972 21 455 21 526 22 076 22 946 23 304
H Transportation and storage 18 190 22 601 22 994 23 005 23 026 23 348
I Accommodation and food service activities 10 475 12 498 12 366 13 258 13 353 13 313
J Information and communication 33 902 41 870 43 487 43 513 45 761 46 871
K Financial and insurance activities 36 258 44 629 45 861 45 638 47 378 50 425
L Real estate activities 17 217 19 828 20 658 21 089 22 101 21 145
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 23 727 30 364 31 881 31 928 32 441 32 857
N Administrative and support service activities 12 547 15 679 15 957 16 225 16 564 17 049
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 22 246 26 367 26 818 27 077 26 259 26 839
P Education 18 762 22 233 23 508 23 349 23 505 24 579
Q Human health and social work activities 17 560 21 177 22 921 23 557 24 829 25 251
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 16 084 18 746 19 771 19 916 19 786 20 555
S Other services activities 14 654 17 093 18 615 18 418 19 319 19 592

1) Data refer to employees in the registered number of businesses. The data were obtained from the results of annual ČSÚ statistical report processing.
2) Preliminary data.

Source: ČSÚ