Transport Yearbook 2014

back back | Transport Yearbook 2014 - go to Table of contents table of contents Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in other passenger land transport (CZ-NACE 49.3)

  2005 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Enterprises (firms), total 7 252 3 950 3 883 3 700 3 610 3 410
Number of employed persons, total (headcount) 46 780 40 700 39 247 38 584 38 259 37 524
of which:
average registered number of employees (headcount) 39 747 37 145 35 745 35 149 34 730 34 083
average registered number of employees - FTE 39 593 37 282 35 575 34 816 34 368 33 769
Wages excl. other personnel expenses 8 797 10 257 10 139 10 097 10 313 10 276
Average monthly gross wage per person (headcount) 18 444 23 011 23 638 23 938 24 745 25 124
Average monthly gross wage per FTE person 18 516 22 927 23 750 24 167 25 006 25 357
Sales, total 24 093 22 054 34 947 34 818 34 680 34 475
Sales, total per employed persons 515 542 890 902 906 919
Outputs, incl. trade margin 24 109 22 030 34 306 33 796 33 544 33 662
Production consumption 19 646 19 198 20 496 21 108 21 092 21 246
Production consumption percentage in outputs 81.5 87.1 59.7 62.5 62.9 63.1
Value added 4 463 2 831 13 809 12 688 12 452 12 416
Value added percentage in outputs 18.5 12.9 40.3 37.5 37.1 36.9
Value added per employed persons 95 70 352 329 325 331

Note: In connection with introduction of NACE Rev. 2 k since 1.1.2008 current values were recalculated and classification of individual enterprises according to their economic activity was reconsidered

Source: ČSÚ