Transport Yearbook 2014

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  2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Total transport of goods (thous. tonnes) 1 956 1 642 1 895 1 766 1 618 1 780
by type of transport
national 685 371 510 410 236 538
total international 1 270 1 271 1 385 1 356 1 383 1 242
of which: export 546 276 205 257 234 173
import 364 167 193 159 137 91
cross-trade 186 524 610 492 611 536
cabotage 174 304 377 448 401 442
by type of propulsion
self-propelled 907 1 040 1 129 1 128 1 056 1 072
not self-propelled 621 428 730 632 510 652
others 428 173 36 6 52 56
Total transport performace (mill. tonne-km) 781 679 695 669 693 656
by type of transport
national 30 16 21 16 6 15
total international 751 663 674 654 687 641
of which: export 344 172 119 160 137 120
import 236 111 126 109 84 64
cross-trade 114 276 307 251 322 318
cabotage 57 105 122 134 144 139
by type of propulsion
self-propelled 485 512 512 510 521 522
not self-propelled 250 159 182 158 172 134
others 46 8 2 1 0 1

Source: MD