Transport Yearbook 2014

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  2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Total number of loaded containers transported 300 527 499 029 529 167 563 957 616 088 646 479
national 54 222 116 067 132 722 143 337 171 218 178 881
total international 246 305 382 962 396 445 420 620 444 870 467 598
of which: export 101 814 157 725 167 177 187 345 211 285 227 153
import 119 291 194 948 199 351 199 717 205 718 217 685
transit through CR 25 200 30 289 29 917 33 558 27 867 22 760
Total number of empty containers transported 97 143 180 211 194 682 195 719 207 846 215 700
national 35 750 77 038 81 937 90 497 106 552 120 366
total international 61 393 103 173 112 745 105 222 101 294 95 334
of which: export 35 512 64 264 63 886 52 137 43 110 35 021
import 21 118 31 067 36 968 39 637 43 879 47 139
transit through CR 4 754 7 842 11 891 13 448 14 305 13 174
Gross tonnes, total (thous.) 5 355 8 597 9 406 9 999 11 252 11 803
national 1 041 2 232 2 588 2 782 3 524 3 647
total international 4 314 6 365 6 818 7 217 7 727 8 156
of which: export 1 888 2 843 3 054 3 405 3 835 3 729
import 2 026 3 067 3 227 3 212 3 378 4 000
transit through CR 399 454 537 600 514 427
Net tonnes, total (thous.) 4 176 6 455 7 139 7 628 8 688 9 089
national 794 1 651 1 952 2 096 2 709 2 758
total international 3 382 4 803 5 187 5 532 5 979 6 330
of which: export 1 479 2 147 2 329 2 655 3 048 2 877
import 1 599 2 335 2 471 2 449 2 579 3 173
transit through CR 304 322 387 428 352 280
Total tonne-kilometres (thous.) 1 060 512 1 826 087 2 113 470 2 302 410 1 974 234 2 108 717
national 249 750 525 912 670 408 647 572 576 838 576 017
total international 810 762 1 300 175 1 443 062 1 654 838 1 397 396 1 532 700
of which: export 318 586 557 005 616 870 722 772 665 244 672 622
import 335 278 524 148 551 314 593 472 553 410 714 495
transit through CR 156 889 219 022 274 878 338 594 178 742 145 582

Source: MD