Transport Yearbook 2018

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3.3. Navigable inland waterways regularly used for transport (Km)

  2010 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Length of the inland waterway Labe-Vltava 315,2 315,2 315,2 315,2 315,2 315,2
of which:
canalised waterways 274,3 274,3 274,3 274,3 274,3 274,3
regulated waterways 40,9 40,9 40,9 40,9 40,9 40,9
Total length of navigable inland watreways1) 675,8 686,8 720,2 720,2 720,2 720,2
total 38,6 38,6 38,6 38,6 38,6 38,6
by class of inland waterways (see apendix)
class I to IV 38,6 38,6 38,6 38,6 38,6 38,6
Navigable rivers and lakes
total1) 637,2 648,2 681,6 681,6 681,6 681,6
by class of inland waterways
class I to IV 527,9 538,9 538,9 538,9 538,9 538,9
class Va 109,3 109,3 109,3 109,3 109,3 109,3

1) Including damlake waterways and lake waterways class 0 and without classification serving mainly for recreational passenger transport and for sportive navigation since 2015

Source: MD