Transport Yearbook 2022

back back | Transport Yearbook 2022 - go to Table of contents table of contents Number of units in the CSU business register - Total

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total 2 768 953 2 889 422 2 892 452 2 932 963 2 976 264 2 996 841
of which:
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 118 985 132 268 134 695 137 788 141 397 145 062
B Mining and quarrying 690 899 903 898 963 970
C Manufacturing 296 557 314 084 320 025 325 198 332 748 338 044
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 18 190 18 499 18 556 18 617 18 688 19 333
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 10 418 10 473 10 578 10 760 10 887 11 226
F Construction 317 428 330 521 335 443 340 410 345 959 351 930
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 627 015 641 494 618 094 596 321 585 202 562 097
H Transportation and storage 67 867 73 473 76 978 80 747 86 449 91 791
I Accommodation and food service activities 142 623 152 326 154 947 156 712 156 541 155 890
J Information and communication 53 759 69 368 73 223 76 800 81 829 86 378
K Financial and insurance activities 102 260 54 436 15 281 14 998 15 078 16 006
L Real estate activities 159 056 171 371 176 295 182 922 191 255 195 256
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 341 939 389 318 386 236 385 806 390 188 390 271
N Administrative and support service activities 49 085 56 647 61 195 64 655 70 826 75 984
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 15 845 15 712 15 749 15 749 15 736 15 763
P Education 44 246 48 739 51 272 53 316 55 641 57 730
Q Human health and social work activities 35 237 34 043 34 516 34 944 35 370 36 429
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 65 531 72 919 76 126 78 664 80 218 81 712
S Other service activities 213 157 233 747 240 556 246 710 250 245 252 997
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 0 0 0 0 - -
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies 60 59 60 61 61 61
Unclassified 89 005 69 026 91 724 110 887 110 983 111 911

Source: ČSÚ