Transport Yearbook 2022

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  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 20212)
Total1) 3 868,5 4 020,5 4 080,1 4 067,0 3 992,1 4 001,1
of which:
business sphere3) 3 170,4 * * * * *
non-business sphere3) 698,0 * * * * *
CZ-NACE Section
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 97,5 96,8 97,1 93,2 92,8 92,1
B-E Industry, total 1 209,0 1 259,0 1 267,5 1 251,2 1 208,3 1 201,7
B Mining and quarrying 29,2 24,9 23,6 23,8 22,5 19,0
C Manufacturing 1 099,6 1 150,6 1 157,3 1 141,0 1 100,0 1 096,5
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 29,5 31,9 33,9 34,7 34,5 34,6
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 50,7 51,6 52,7 51,7 51,3 51,7
F Construction 209,1 206,6 207,9 209,8 209,3 214,2
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 483,8 491,7 502,7 503,2 496,9 498,7
H Transportation and storage 250,6 264,4 269,6 269,4 262,2 260,4
I Accommodation and food service activities 112,0 121,3 121,9 123,0 109,4 104,2
J Information and communication 102,9 114,4 119,7 125,1 126,9 129,7
K Financial and insurance activities 71,1 74,2 74,9 74,6 72,8 72,2
L Real estate activities 47,1 46,7 47,1 45,6 46,4 47,2
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 161,1 172,4 177,7 173,0 169,3 169,2
N Administrative and support service activities 181,7 201,0 203,9 199,0 181,1 182,3
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 288,2 292,7 296,5 297,0 297,4 299,4
P Education 276,8 285,8 291,7 299,7 310,1 316,5
Q Human health and social work activities 283,3 295,6 301,9 304,1 311,7 327,1
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 50,0 51,8 52,0 51,4 50,4 49,4
S Other services activities 44,1 46,1 47,8 47,5 47,1 36,8

1) Data refer to employees in the registered number of businesses. The data were obtained from the results of annual ČSÚ statistical report processing.
2) Preliminary data.
3) This type of breakdown will be published for 2016 for the last time and since the reference year 2017 it will not be available any more.

Source: ČSÚ