Transport Yearbook 2022

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  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 20212)
Total1) 26 629 29 635 32 097 34 605 36 180 38 286
of which:
Business sphere 26 566 * * * * *
Non-business sphere 26 910 * * * * *
CZ-NACE Section
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 21 683 23 833 25 478 28 055 29 140 30 328
B-E Industry, total 26 891 29 878 32 259 34 359 35 051 36 849
B Mining and quarrying 31 859 33 565 36 214 37 290 37 335 39 288
C Manufacturing 26 493 29 550 31 925 34 003 34 587 36 403
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 40 495 43 592 46 315 49 471 52 509 54 745
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 24 744 26 925 28 760 30 704 32 265 33 463
F Construction 23 991 26 058 28 298 30 187 31 444 32 582
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 24 994 28 138 30 101 32 314 33 487 35 807
H Transportation and storage 24 642 27 435 29 427 31 640 32 078 33 608
I Accommodation and food service activities 14 852 17 477 19 308 20 969 20 296 22 029
J Information and communication 49 624 52 910 56 940 59 268 62 253 65 607
K Financial and insurance activities 48 533 51 605 54 755 58 144 59 981 62 614
L Real estate activities 22 411 23 991 25 933 29 592 29 872 31 138
M Professional, scientific and technical activities 33 833 36 910 38 976 42 023 44 146 46 328
N Administrative and support service activities 17 572 19 545 21 085 22 970 24 422 25 586
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 29 123 33 195 36 462 38 927 40 789 41 243
P Education 25 638 28 534 31 792 35 847 38 504 41 267
Q Human health and social work activities 27 052 30 876 33 923 37 374 41 754 46 396
R Arts, entertainment and recreation 22 120 25 566 28 181 31 322 32 257 32 412
S Other services activities 20 853 21 999 23 706 25 459 26 874 28 217

1) Data refer to employees in the registered number of businesses. The data were obtained from the results of annual ČSÚ statistical report processing.
2) Preliminary data.
3) This type of breakdown will be published for 2016 for the last time and since the reference year 2017 it will not be available any more.

Source: ČSÚ