Transport Yearbook 2022

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2.2.1. Gross value added in transport sector (current prices) (mill. CZK)

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Gross value added - transport total1) 122 963 139 886 145 585 137 712 158 857 167 738
of which:
rail (NACE 491 a 492) 21 520 23 035 22 973 20 916 26 675 28 306
road (NACE 493 a 494) 97 933 113 129 118 968 114 651 130 343 134 582
inland waterways (NACE 50) 311 311 422 170 172 293
air (NACE 51) 3 199 3 411 3 222 1 975 1 667 4 557

1) Pipeline transport not included

Source: ČSÚ