Transport Yearbook 2022

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2.2.3. Total maintenance expenditures in transport infrastructure (current prices) (mill. CZK)

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Infrastructure type
Railway2) 18 038,0 17 213,0 20 090,0 22 154,0 19 273,0 17 310,0
Road1) 18 674,8 22 347,3 25 219,8 23 382,4 29 181,0 23 608,4
Inland Waterways 204,0 193,3 311,6 140,2 101,0 151,7
Air 222,8 350,9 364,7 231,8 18,4 173,6
Pipeline 70,7 38,4 42,9 58,4 90,6 47,7
Total 37 209,3 40 142,9 46 029,0 45 966,8 49 764,0 41 291,4

1) Road investment expenditure includes the expenditures in motorways, I, II and III class roads
2) Of which non-investment projects from OPD I in 2015 in amount of 6.7 billion CZK and in 2016 in amount of 3.3 billion CZK

Source: MD, Mze, ČSÚ, SŽ, KÚ