Transport Yearbook 2022

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2.2.4. Investment expenditure in transport infrastructure from the State Fund of Transport Infrastructure (mill. CZK)

  2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Infrastructure type
Railway 31 784,5 19 003,3 19 581,8 29 717,8 37 160,3 42 682,1
Road 19 926,0 14 251,1 26 413,0 39 141,1 42 359,0 45 257,2
Inland Waterways 412,5 71,2 1 312,4 1 467,5 775,4 593,3
Air 0,0 27,6 14,8 165,1 79,6 11,2
Cycle lanes 141,5 146,4 253,0 396,3 432,5 572,6
Total 52 123,0 33 353,2 47 322,0 70 887,8 80 806,8 89 116,4

Note: Data represent the real financial expenditures from State Fund of Transport Infrastructure including prefinancing expenditures which are to be supported by the respective EU funds

Source: SFDI