Transport Yearbook 2022

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2.2.5. Subsidies to scheduled public passenger transport (mill. CZK)

  2015 20182) 2019 2020 2021 2022
Buses and coaches (excl. MHD)
Regional (district) authority budgets 5 251 6 642 7 172 9 138 10 036 10 500
Municipality budgets 470 376 580 590 590 448
Total 5 721 7 018 7 752 9 728 10 626 10 948
Railway passenger transport
State budget 4 414 4 802 4 630 4 836 5 183 5 429
Regional (district) authority budgets1) 9 413 10 180 10 540 12 735 13 957 13 855
Total 13 827 14 982 15 170 17 571 19 140 19 284
Total subsidies 19 548 22 000 22 922 27 299 29 766 30 232

1) Including state subsidies to the regions to finance rail transport
2) 2018 are not available for all municipalities

Source: MD