Transport Yearbook 2022

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2.3. Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in transport (CZ-NACE 49-52)

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of active enterprises 37 869 39 498 40 588 41 274 42 160 43 786
Number of persons employed, total (headcount) 231 493 248 448 255 407 257 530 251 969 254 377
of which:
Average registered number of employees (headcount) 194 129 209 260 214 872 215 707 208 926 209 471
Average registered number of employees - FTE 192 561 207 668 212 867 212 723 206 136 205 974
Wages excl. other personnel expenses 56 459 67 990 74 809 79 998 77 804 81 395
Average monthly gross wage per person (headcount) 24 236 27 076 29 013 30 905 31 034 32 381
Average monthly gross wage per FTE person 24 434 27 283 29 286 31 339 31 454 32 931
Sales of goods and services and sales of goods for resale 539 455 582 079 623 483 633 291 550 050 639 296
Sales of goods and services and sales of goods for resale per employed persons 2 330 2 343 2 441 2 459 2 183 2 513
Outputs, incl. trade margin 472 063 519 088 549 743 563 706 497 574 566 650
Consumed materials, energy and services 333 922 368 635 391 661 399 702 351 005 405 866
Consumed materials, energy and services percentage in outputs 70,7 71,0 71,2 70,9 70,5 71,6
Value added 138 141 150 453 158 083 164 003 146 569 160 785
Value added percentage in outputs 29,3 29,0 28,8 29,1 29,5 28,4
Value added per employed persons 597 606 619 637 582 632

Source: ČSÚ