Transport Yearbook 2022

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2.3.1. Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in land transport and transport via pipelines (CZ-NACE 49)

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of active enterprises 33 530 34 969 35 949 36 457 37 196 38 553
Number of persons employed, total (headcount) 186 463 195 239 199 394 199 958 197 147 196 998
of which:
Average registered number of employees (headcount) 153 308 160 541 163 548 163 219 159 114 157 593
Average registered number of employees - FTE 152 327 159 484 162 125 161 160 157 414 155 126
Wages excl. other personnel expenses 40 637 47 516 52 075 55 667 55 541 57 614
Average monthly gross wage per person (headcount) 22 089 24 665 26 534 28 422 29 089 30 465
Average monthly gross wage per FTE person 22 231 24 828 26 767 28 785 29 403 30 950
Sales of goods and services and sales of goods for resale 302 011 319 894 336 084 342 252 320 751 343 171
Sales of goods and services and sales of goods for resale per employed persons 1 620 1 638 1 686 1 712 1 627 1 742
Outputs, incl. trade margin 288 335 307 451 323 754 330 414 309 782 330 238
Consumed materials, energy and services 191 578 206 909 219 436 222 031 207 228 225 914
Consumed materials, energy and services percentage in outputs 66,4 67,3 67,8 67,2 66,9 68,4
Value added 96 758 100 542 104 318 108 383 102 555 104 324
Value added percentage in outputs 33,6 32,7 32,2 32,8 33,1 31,6
Value added per employed persons 519 515 523 542 520 530

Source: ČSÚ