Transport Yearbook 2022

back back | Transport Yearbook 2022 - go to Table of contents table of contents Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in freight transport by road and removal services (CZ-NACE 49.4)

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of active enterprises 30 312 31 197 31 872 31 939 32 530 32 457
Number of persons employed, total (headcount) 121 099 129 567 131 284 131 095 129 903 129 528
of which:
Average registered number of employees (headcount) 91 523 99 021 100 020 99 384 96 705 96 414
Average registered number of employees - FTE 90 816 98 302 99 342 97 901 95 650 94 571
Wages excl. other personnel expenses 19 479 24 187 26 596 28 171 28 041 29 517
Average monthly gross wage per person (headcount) 17 736 20 355 22 159 23 621 24 164 25 512
Average monthly gross wage per FTE person 17 874 20 504 22 310 23 979 24 430 26 009
Sales of goods and services and sales of goods for resale 218 356 236 747 246 357 248 668 241 630 258 670
Sales of goods and services and sales of goods for resale per employed persons 1 803 1 827 1 877 1 897 1 860 1 997
Outputs, incl. trade margin 204 874 223 849 233 600 236 607 230 011 245 287
Consumed materials, energy and services 138 946 152 755 160 338 160 084 151 596 164 496
Consumed materials, energy and services percentage in outputs 67,8 68,2 68,6 67,7 65,9 67,1
Value added 65 928 71 094 73 262 76 523 78 415 80 792
Value added percentage in outputs 32,2 31,8 31,4 32,3 34,1 32,9
Value added per employed persons 544 549 558 584 604 624

Source: ČSÚ