Transport Yearbook 2022

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2.3.2. Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in water transport (CZ-NACE 50)

  2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of active enterprises 93 90 97 94 94 97
Number of persons employed, total (headcount) 614 619 641 630 592 551
of which:
Average registered number of employees (headcount) 510 519 537 529 503 446
Average registered number of employees - FTE 505 513 523 518 483 428
Wages excl. other personnel expenses 122 141 159 175 169 165
Average monthly gross wage per person (headcount) 19 984 22 696 24 609 27 626 28 034 30 820
Average monthly gross wage per FTE person 20 187 22 958 25 277 28 202 29 165 32 125
Sales of goods and services and sales of goods for resale 1 103 1 135 1 194 1 371 919 970
Sales of goods and services and sales of goods for resale per employed persons 1 797 1 834 1 863 2 174 1 551 1 761
Outputs, incl. trade margin 1 065 1 072 1 132 1 314 872 922
Consumed materials, energy and services 824 816 852 983 689 687
Consumed materials, energy and services percentage in outputs 77,4 76,1 75,2 74,8 79,0 74,6
Value added 241 256 280 332 183 235
Value added percentage in outputs 22,6 23,9 24,8 25,2 21,0 25,4
Value added per employed persons 392 414 437 526 309 426

Source: ČSÚ